
since our wedding day...

the wedding day was majestic. it could not have turned out better. i woke up that morning full of peace and complete joy. God was consistently on my mind that day and the days prior to the big day. and as i awoke that morning, He filled my mind once again with the amazing celebration i was to partake in. i could not help but to think of Him and how much i long for the day i will one day walk down that aisle toward Him...my Groom. jeremy is the greatest groom a girl could ask for, but oh how amazing my Lord is. and as much as i'm looking forward to this marriage with jeremy, i am ecstatic for the marriage i will enter into with my God. and this marriage will be perfect and complete and will never end.

the thing about marrying jeremy is that i know that no matter how great our love is for each other, it is flawed. and one day, our marriage will end when one of us parts to be with our Groom. but the marriage we have with our God will never end. and that is love. and that is perfect love. "rejoice, for the marriage supper of the Lamb has come..."

since our wedding day, jeremy and i have been to jamaica taking in the beauty of our Father's world growing together even more. we have begun the process of moving in together and getting to know each other in more personal ways than any other human has even known us. we have just been "nesting". and it has been wonderful. he's my best friend and the love he shows to me allows me to see Christ's love for me in a deeper and greater way than i ever thought possible. jeremy constantly serves me in ways that keep me in awe of him. he treats me like a princess and makes me feel special and beautiful. and there is no way he could do this apart from Christ's love being offered to him.

so, as we begin our journey, i pray that we continue to seek our God first and foremost. and that we learn to love as He loves. and that we learn to abide in Him for He is Love...

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